Im vergangenen Jahr kehrte Jake Isaac mit seiner EP “WE USED TO DREAM” nach einer kurzen Familienauszeit zurück. Mit seiner markanten Stimme und Themen über alltägliche Herausforderungen, Liebe und Verlust, zieht er die Hörer in seinen Bann. Über 30 Millionen Mal wurden seine Lieder gestreamed. Auch live zieht er immer mehr Fans an. So begeisterte er beispielsweise als Support von Elton John und spielte auf seinen eigenen Headlinershows vor ausverkauftem Publikum u.a. in den USA, Großbritannien und Deutschland. Nun ist er wieder live unterwegs und macht hierbei natürlich auch bei uns Halt. Im Rahmen seiner Tour hat er sich Zeit für ein Interview genommen.
Im Interview mit Jake Isaac
Musikiathek: Dear Jake, thank you for taking some time for this “interview shorty”! In your own words: Would you please introduce yourself and your music to our readers? To describe it, please use a fruit, a drink and an animal.
Jake Isaac: My name is Jake Isaac and I’m a singer/songwriter from South London, UK. My music is like a pear, or an amaretto on ice, or like hugging being polar bear in the freezing cold.
Musikiathek: Your lyrics are very affecting. What’s your songwriting process like?
Jake Isaac: I often write songs from a place of reality/life experience or sometimes even the life experiences of my friends & family. A lot of the time my songs will start with a melody idea and then I’ll try and feel out what that melody is trying to say in words/lyrics.
Musikiathek: Now you will be back on tour in Germany. In the past you have already played some shows here. What do you like about the german fans? What makes them special?
Jake Isaac: What I really love about German fans is there appreciation of music! When they come to a gig there is always a load of love in the room, and for me as an artist I always feel right at home!
Musikiathek: Were there any special (funny, emotional etc.) moments with fans?
Jake Isaac: Yea, The first time I made the mistake of asking if anyone had any requests for my next song, and EVERYONE literally said all songs that I wasn’t able to play in that moment lol!
Musikiathek: Now you will be back again in April and you will also give a show in Berlin (5.4. Frannz Club) – what do you like most about Berlin?
Jake Isaac: Berlin is the place where cultures meet in Germany for me! I love it there! Every venue I’ve ever played in Berlin has been RIDICULOUSLY cool! And there a SO many of my favorite places to eat in Berlin!
Musikiathek: What can the audience expect from your concerts?
Jake Isaac: The crowd in Berlin can expect complete honesty and vulnerability at my gig….I’m not trying to impress people I’m tryna connect with people!
Musikiathek: Imagine we meet again in 10 years – what has happened and what have you achieved? Do you have any big goals till then?
Jake Isaac: Ha! I really honestly don’t know! I think it’s hard to plan these things sometimes! If I can keep making music and sharing it with even more people, I’ll be happy!
Deutschland Termine Jake Isaac:
- 3.4. Köln Helios 37
- 4.4. Hamburg Nochtspeicher
- 5.4. Berlin Frannz Club

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