MEMORIAM – »For The Fallen« ab sofort im Handel erhältlich

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Das Warten hat endlich ein Ende, denn heute erscheint das Debütalbum »For The Fallen« der Old-School-Death Metaller MEMORIAM über Nuclear Blast Records.

Auch die Presse zeigt sich begeistert:

„Minimalistisch, brutal, intensiv: MEMORIAM überraschen mit einer vielseitigen und kompromisslosen Platte.“ DEAF FOREVER (D), Frank Albrecht

„Nostalgisch, unverkrampft, mit hörbarem Pathos und Spaß!“ METAL HAMMER (D), Robert Müller

BOLT THROWER with some new twists, it works as a whole as well as individually song by song. Well-balanced atmosphere/brutality.” ROCK HARD (D), Andreas Schiffmann

“Groovy, majestic, crushing and epic. Old school death metal with a fresh touch by the legends of the scene.” INFERNO (FIN), Tami Hintikka

“This is a real bomb of an album. It really kicks ass. Old school death metal doesn’t get better than this.” SCREAM (N), Stig Odegaard

“MEMORIAM? Old school death metal the way it has to be done! No big surprises, but for sure, no bad surprises.” ROCK HARD (F), Benjamin Baudelot

“Great comeback of the British death metal masters. An amazing old school record, BENEDICTION and BOLT THROWER fans will like it.” ROCK HARD (I), Andrea Raffaldini
Quelle: Nuclear Blast

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