BONOBO präsentiert Behind the Scenes Video zu “No Reason (feat. Nick Murphy)”

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Nachdem das neue Bonobo Album ‘Migration’ weltweit mit Lob von Presse und Fans überhäuft wurde, in Deutschland auf #11 in die Album-Charts einstieg, während die aktuelle Single ‘No Reason feat. Nick Murphy’ immer höher in den Radio-Airplaycharts klettert, teilt Ninja Tune ein Making-Of zu seinem neuesten Video, welches unter anderen von Pitchfork als ’hypnotisierend’ und von The Creators Projects als ‘wundervoll trippig’ beschrieben wurde.

Darin stellt der Regisseur Oscar Hudson (Pulse Films) den cleveren Entstehungsprozess dar, mit welchem er und sein Team eine Reihe identisch aussehender Räume mit komplett unterschiedlichen Größen in Szene setzt. Das Video wurde in Echtzeit gefilmt, anschließend nicht mehr nachbearbeitet und kommt komplett ohne Videoeffekte aus. Während Hudson die Zuschauer durch das aufwendige Filmset führt, erklärt er unter anderem Details und Verbindungen von einzelnen Elementen zu Songtexten, welche auf den ersten Blick nicht zu erkennen sind.

Oscar Hudson Quote:
“It was a real honour to make a video for an artist like Bonobo whose music I’ve been a fan of for years. ‘No Reason’ is such an evocative and atmospheric track and it was clear from the start that our video would need to reflect this potency. Simon/Bonobo had said that part of the inspiration behind this new album came from his relationship to landscape and place whilst on tour and the sense of alienation that comes with being rootless for long periods of time. So taking my lead from this I set out to make a film that through an inventive physical concept tried to link environment directly to psychology. Whilst researching these themes further I learnt about the Japanese phenomenon of the Hikikomori- young Japanese people who become so overwhelmed by the pressures of life that they retreat to their bedrooms and don’t leave for years at a time. This seemed like a such a fascinating intersection of physical & psychological spaces and the idea of building a series of rooms that gradually & claustrophobically shrink down around it’s occupant soon followed.”

“As with much of my work, we achieved the film using only in-camera physical effects. We had to design an entirely new way of moving our miniature camera to get it to fit through the tiny doorways & travel smoothly for such a long distance. We also had 18 rooms all at different scales, so we had to duplicate and shrink every single prop that features in the set… which is obviously was a ton of work! Doing this film with CGI would have been a thousand times easier, but for me, it’s physicality & imperfections are what make it different, and I hope better. The technical challenge of pulling this film off the way we did it was immense and huge credit goes to Production Designer Luke Moran-Morris & D.P. Ruben Woodin-Dechamps who absolutely smashed it at every step.”

Quelle: Add On Music

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